Mitglied der SCNAT

Die Mitglieder der SGW verbindet das Interesse an der vielfältigen Welt wildlebender Säugetiere und Vögel und ihren Beziehungen zur Umwelt. Die SGW setzt sich insbesondere für den Erhalt und die Förderung dieser Tiere und deren Lebensräume sowie für Lehre und Forschung auf dem Gebiet ein.mehr

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r4d Dialogue Forum – Extractive Industries

Public-Private Cooperation for Safeguarding Public Health


14:00 - 18:00


Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Basel
Kreuzstrasse 2, 4123 Allschwil

Join Swiss TPH and partners at the r4d Dialogue Forum to discuss how to strengthen public-private cooperation to mitigate potential negative health impacts of resource extraction. A key focus will be on public-private partnerships that work together towards sustainable development.


The r4d Dialogue Forum aims to discuss how public-private cooperation can be strengthened to mitigate potential adverse health impacts from resource extraction on health determinants, along with the promotion of health benefits in affected communities. The dialogue should be the basis for a possible alignment between different public and private entities and have an impact on constructive deliberations beyond the duration of the event. A main focus will be on public-private partnerships to jointly work towards sustainable development. In practice, there is a lot of untapped potential for actually doing so.
