Mitglied der SCNAT

Die NfGO will das Interesse an den Naturwissenschaften wecken, das Verständnis für diese fördern und neue Erkenntnisse einem breiten Publikum zugänglich machen. Jungen Naturwissenschaftlerinnen und Naturwissenschaftlern bietet die NfGO die Möglichkeit, ihre Arbeit der Öffentlichkeit vorzustellen.mehr

Bild: NASA Earth Observatory, Jesse Allen and Robert Simmonmehr

Territories of life: 2021 Report

The ICCA report highlights the importance of recognising Indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ rights and governance systems for effective and equitable conservation.

territories of life

The ICCA Consortium presented the “Territories of life: 2021 Report ” on 20 May, a publication with 17 examples of territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities from different regions around the globe. It includes some national and regional analyses about the state of territories of life, plus a global spatial analysis with the best available information to date of the potential extent of the world’s lands and nature conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities and the overlap with areas with high biodiversity conservation value, among other things.

Further information and full report


  • indigene Völker